I’m a very lucky man.  Lucky Daddy and Dom.  Very blessed.

She’s little, submissive and wants nothing more in the world than to please me. She’s beautiful.  She has the most pure soul I have ever encountered.  She’s sexual and kinky as hell. She offers me her sexuality in any way I want.  She’s wonderful!

And …… she’s brilliant and witty.  This toothpaste saga has developed a life of its own.

When I mentioned her messy toothpaste tube over Christmas, it was really more of a joke than anything else. So, she put her toothpaste in the drawer. She wants to please me.

Then she posted about it and the saga began to grow. And there were many comments, some even suggesting that I may need to consider my own perception and be willing to compromise. Fair enough. Funny how one comment can take on its own life (a lesson in there too). We have both laughed at the saga and I’ve assured her I’m not the militant toothpaste police.

Here is the original culprit:

t paste 4

So this morning she sent me a text that said “this is what love looks like.” The text came in before the picture so I was expecting a picture of the dogs laying together.  Or her smiling face wishing me a good day.

But instead, this is what came through:

t paste 3

To say I laughed my ass off is putting it mildly.

She makes me laugh. I immediately called and we laughed together. She has so many wonderful facets to her personality. She shows me in so many ways that she needs and wants to please me. And that only makes me want to love and care for her that much more. I’ve never experienced anything like this. It’s not what I expected. It’s the fairytale.